Amber Rose dismisses Wiz Khalifa Cheat Rumours By Waving Hi bishes in Her Hot Bikini In Barbados

Amber Rose was pictured in Barbados just a week ago and while she partied and went snorkelling with her girlfriends, rumours broke out that her "husband" Wiz Khalifa, had been cheating on her with video babe Draya.
Shrugging off the rumours, Rose continued her holiday with a smile on her fans as and even went without make-up as her freckles came out to play.
Biting back at the rumours, Rose tweeted "I'm the girl that boys love but girls hate. I Always wanted true girlfriends but they were always insecure & Jealous eh maybe one day. :-("
Check out our pictures of Amber Rose...
source Tale Tela