Posh Blog: Basketball Wives Evelyn Lozada " You a Non F*N Factor Bitch" T-Shirt"

So, I have to know from you guys what do you honestly think of Evelyn's "You a non F*N factor Bitch" shirts. Now, my take is that yea yea go ahead and make your money from it, but was she serious when she was going to give Tami proceeds from the t-shirt for her foundation for young girls, Like, really?
I still can't believe that Evelyn thought that giving proceeds from a negative condesending words like that is okay. I also noticed that women on twitter despite all of the negative things Evelyn has done such as telling Tami she messed around with her husband after the fact that they built a friendship and lying and dissing Royce minutes before her fashion show that she is the best thing since sliced bread. Some of these women are married and in relationships. I wonder if they truly would trust Evelyn around wit their man? I said this on twitter so I  ask my readers the same question here. Do you think people take to Evelyn because she is light skin with long hair? If Evelyn was dark skin with a weave or short natural hair and done the same exact things she done on the show would their be a difference in views then? I must say even in my own life and I know I'm not the hottest woman on the planet but I have gotten a lot from being attractive, I also get a lot of help when in need. I really think beautiful people can get away with so much. That's just my opinion. Let me know what your take is on this topic.

Check out the clip after Tammy confront's Evelyn about producing the t-shirt courtesy from Bossip