D.M.V Feature: Cle From D.M.V Jams [Interview]

Posh: Thank you Cle for taking the time out to do this interview. I know you are super busy in the next couple of weeks. So, tell us a little about yourself and your role with DMJJams?

I am Baltimore,MD born and raised, but my mom was cultured so I have been exposed to everything I ever wanted growing up. I'm biracial (swiss german/ black) and have always been involved in the arts. I am a recent high-school graduate of Baltimore School For the Arts as a theatre major so I def have a performance and art background but I'm not really doing the college movement right now.  I have been so busy grinding, all day every day for DMVJAMS. I'm an artist and  a personality I'm doing me, lol.  As for my part with dmvjams.com 
I model when we do photo shoots for local and national brands.  (Brands Include: Purple Hearts, RockSmithTokyo, Teen +Jonesy, Generation of Dreamers, and the DMVJAMS Tshirt line). Video shoots for many artists who work with DMVJAMS, Interviews for many celebs who come through the DMV, shoot and edit my own videos other artists, DJ for Lano and blogging Skyhighcle.blogspot.comAs for the website itself I post videos, edit videos, and do interviews with the artists. 

Posh: How did you get started in the entertainment business?

Cle:  I have always had a passion for music.  I have always listened to what I wanted to listen to as opposed to what was the biggest video out rather than what everyone else was always listening to. Underground turned Mainstream artists at this point, you know? (lol) After attending Rock The bells in 2010, I met a lot of artists who became my very good friends and became more directly involved in the industry. About a year ago I started putting cooking videos up to my good friend Lil B "Lil B the BasedGod"  songs on my youtube.  They were doing big numbers,thousands and thousands Max Milli saw one put it on the top of the dmvjams.com sight, It was a whole thing. Then I came to the #arthaus and after that I was family I haven't left since, it's permenant.  DMV-LOVE ! 

Posh: I know for myself, it's hard being a female in the entertainment business, you deal with a lot of males that sometimes don't take you serious and then when they find out that your not about games and more about business they take you more serious. How do you deal with situations like that? if you indeed had situations like that.

Cle: I started off doing cooking videos in somewhat skimpy outfits- bathing suits. It was for fun! Who would COOK in a bathing suit...Me! I was actually the 1st female to do it, before it became a whole thing.  I have put myself in that video eye-candy type position but I'm not upset about it.  I feel I do it with respect.  Look, at Melissa Ford she revolutionized being a video model.  She's respected, makes her money, and you rarely hear any negative rumors about her.  She's classy while still being sexy.  I plan on doing worldstar videos and more but you won't hear about me sleeping my way to the top. People assume WAY too much, just because I'm around a lot of artists does not mean I am having a love affairs. I'm making my name and body if needed a BRAND and it's going to be a business.  Skyhigh. 

Posh: So, I know your now working with artist Lano. Tell me how did you guys get together and your role working with him.

Cle: Lano is an amazing artist. There has not been a day that has gone by that I have not bumped Bond Series. I need everyone reading this to make sure to check him out.  (@yeahlano) He's everything that I think is amazing in a rap artist. He records like EVERYDAY he has a crazy strong work ethnic he still keeps his tattoo clientele while remaining true to his music. Everyone in Baltimore knows him, before I started hanging at the #arthaus  I met him at his first mixtape release party. #YOUKNOWWHY . We have been rocking ever since. I am his Official DJ and will be in a lot more of his videos and visuals to come ,and I am a member of his street time that helps with PR. 

Posh: Tell me about your current projects and what you have in store for us in the future.

Cle: I just featured in a few Riff Raff videos, he's one of Souljah Boy artists it got major numbers I'm looking to do more projects with him have some artists and celeb views I will be posting over the next few weeks also.  I'm trying to get my youtube buzz and twitter buzz up prior to launching my own site in the winter.   

Posh: As, a female in the industry can you give advice to other young females that are interested in the entertainment field.

Cle: Keep your legs shut. Keep your mouth shut about things you learn that have nothing to do with you.  You are going to spend a lot of time with celebs and taste-makers it's not your job to go back and repeat things you hear.
And keep your looks up...if you plan on being a vixen/model/ personality no matter how much people say looks don't matter they do. Your look is part of your brand. 

Posh: Anything else would you like the readers to know about yourself or the industry?

Cle: I'm a hard worker but nothing I do is done alone.  I have a strong team/family supporting me.  DMVJAMS.com is a family and a whole support system without the tools and systems that we have set up it would take me a whole lot longer to accomplish anything that I do.  We are a team at the #arthaus.

Posh: How can the readers contact you? 

Cle:Twitter- @skyhighcle
Blog-  skyhighcle.blogspot.com
Booking :dmvjams@gmail.com"*dmvjams@gmail.com

Posh: Thank you for your time and it was great meeting you during the DTLR record pool, I love to meet and network with people doing their thing and always working to be successful. It's great to hear your advice about young women and what it takes to become a video model/actress. Look out for more coming soon from D.M.V Jams own Cle.