New Gadgets: Nike + Fuel Band For the Social Athletes
Good day socialites, I want to talk about an exciting new gadget that has the social active world going crazy right now. It s called the Nike+Fuel Band!! What is it and how does it work you ask? It's a band that measures activity through movements. The Fuel Bands uses an accelerometer and algorithm that breaks down movement into steps taken, calories burned, and Nikes new Fuel+ points!!! Nike invented the device to target not just the active sports athlete but the active social athlete as u may now call us. Those of us who don't play an active sport but still mange to live an active lifestyle thru everyday activities such as a morning run to getting the kids ready for school, or moving around in the office all day and etc!!! I have used the device for one week and must say its awesome to see how active I really am thru out my day which helps me keep better track of eating habits. The Nike Fuel Band is sturdy, made of a durable rubber outer texture with one button, and a very bright LED display that can display time as well as steps taken, calories burned, and Fuel+ points. Nike is trying to keep the social active world connected thru its IPhone app (android app coming soon) and website in which anyone wearing the Nike+ Fuel Band can compare stats with friends who are also wearing the band as well. This product is only available for online order thru twitter @nikefuel and Niketown in NYC. For more questions contact @nikefuel or me @jrjupiter
-Jupiter Aurora