Is Joseline Hernandez & Stevie J Back Together? (VIDEO) #LHHATL
If you're like me and love reality TV and following this season of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta, then you'll feel me when I say I am so confused with this Joseline and Stevie J off and on relationship. I'm not a gossip blogger, but I am following the stories on various blogs.
One story came out that Joseline was caught by Stevie J and said to have slept with over 30 dudes found on ummmm really? Then days later I read on the same sight that Joseleine account was hacked and the break up was lies followed by various Instagram videos seen below. Still confuse? Yea me too!
Annddd now this... Joseline is back on her old twitter account and posting videos of her and Stevie J again? I guess only time and reality tv can tell. Watch tonight's episode and we'll see what unfolds later this week on social media. Some say this whole entire break up was a publicity stunt, what do you think?