Baltimore's Hip Hop Artist Unite At 'No Ego's Tour' Music Fest (PHOTOS)

Baltimore's hip hop community came together on October 11th for it's first 'No Ego's Tour' by founder and artist Marc Madoff. I had a chance to ask Marc what inspired him to produce the 'No Ego Tour', his motivation and future plans for the next tour date.

"What inspired me to construct this, get into the mind of me; no egos music fest was the lack of unity between the local artist, everybody having an ego and they haven't  accomplish anything important for themselves or others around them but, have an attitude like they won a Grammy or Oscar and quick to look down on others instead us embracing each other and working together and not being competitive building our music culture up, as an artist I felt I had a voice and was in the position of power financially to make this change." 

"I would love to take this show on the road in the future, but first I want to build my empire home and be able to take some of these artist in Baltimore on the road with me. I tell them all you're welcome your ego is not invited."

"The love and respect from the first show was so great that everyone is asking for the next show, so as we speak I'm actually brain storming on how to enhance the next show. It's def going be in Baltimore as long as its no ego and these guys continue support each other and work together. This movement is going to be something special for our people and music culture. I haven't decided how often yet, I'm still high off the first show.  If life was perfect i would throw them everyday."

"I'm such a great business man, people forget to notice me as an artist , I am Marc Madoff business man, father figure and the world big homie."
Host @TheeKristinaDivine with hip hop artist @Kontrahdiction
'No Ego's Tour' Music Fest team 2014.

Founder of  'No Ego Tour' Music Fest @_marcmadoff

Baltimore 'No Ego Tour' Music Fest 2014

@SMGMovement at 'No Ego Tour' Music Fest.

@DJManny1200 on the 1's and 2's at 'No Ego Tour'

Model & Host Kristina Divine with hip hop artist @Nickgage84Summer 

OTM Young Moose supporters came out to support him, although he is currently incarcerated prior to a concert. Young Moose fans and supporters made sure that his presence was felt. 

Rare Breed Cover Art Work
@Official_LilRickcism performing at 'No Ego's Tour' Music Fest 2014

@VIPGutter perfoorming at 'No Ego's Tour' Music Fest 2014.
Host & Published Model Kristina Divine