Happy New Year-Posh The Socialite Message 2015
Happy New Year! Hope everyone has a prosperous and blessed year full of love and joy. 2014 was very challenging for me, I got a new job, I moved, and I was in a midst of a love triangle. Trying out someone new while still dealing with a long distance relationship. Very challenging and I lost focus on myself and what I wanted to accomplish in 2014
What I learned from 2014 is to love myself first before trying to love anyone else, work on my short and long term goals. While in my second relationship, I kind of lost focus on myself and instead focused on something that perhaps will never be, wow it feel so good to release some of this tension to you all.
Anyway, this year I promised myself and my daughter that our new focus will be self love, setting goals, and making our dreams come true. Look out for my new booking agency launching this year.
Thank you for checking out my blog and if you would like to contribute content email me us!